The Alerts feature within Empeon Workforce allows for the setup of automatic email alerts, helping to keep Workforce Administrators informed about key events and milestones on a consistent basis.
There are two main categories of Alerts that are available:
- Remind Me Alerts: These are date-based Alerts designed to notify Users of important deadlines and expirations for various HR-related items. For example, this type of Alert can be set up for expiring licenses, upcoming employee anniversaries, or unprocessed payrolls.
- Alert Me Alerts: These are change-based Alerts that notify Users when changes have been made within Empeon Workforce. Examples for this can include an Alert for when a new hire has been added to the system, there has been a change to an employee's pay, or when payroll has been processed.
Leveraging the Alerts feature helps organizations and their Users stay informed of important dates and changes that have been made within the system. This article outlines how to set up an Alert within the system.
Setting Up an Alert
To set up an Alert, navigate to the Rules & Alerts section of the Company tab and select the Alerts Card.
After selecting the Alerts Card, the next screen will display all existing Alerts, with an option in the top right corner to create a new Alert by clicking the blue "+ New Alert" button.
Upon initiating the set up of a new Alert, the system will first prompt for the selection of the Alert type. Remember that Remind Me Alerts are date-driven, designed to remind Users of important dates and deadlines, whereas Alert Me Alerts are change-driven, notify Users when changes have been made within Empeon Workforce.
Based on the type of Alert being set up, select the appropriate category, and then use the dropdown to select the specific Alert Type. Then click "Next" to configure the Alert on the following screen.
WHAT - The kind of alert you would like to receive
The first section to populate when configuring an Alert is the "What" section. This will confirm the Alert Type selected on the previous screen and provide a pre-populated description of its use.
Please note that both the Alert Name and Alert Description fields can be edited according to preference. The field for Alert Name in particular will be what shows in the email notification that Users receive.
WHEN - The time(s) you should be notified
The next section is the "When" section which established the schedule for when this Alert will be sent.
In this section, there are two options to choose from:
- Notify me per event date - This option will send an Alert for each individual event date based on the Occurrence Rules that are set. This option can be configured to notify Users a certain number of days before or after the date occurs. For example, an Alert set to 7 days before a license expires. For each license set to expire, a notification will be sent.
- Send me a summary for specified date range - This option will group the event dates across a period of time and include a summary of those dates within the email notification. For example, an Alert sent every Monday at 8am with a summary of all license that are set to expire during the following week.
With both options, there is the ability to set up multiple reminders, simply by selecting "Add another reminder".
WHOM - For which employees would you like to be notified
The next section is the "Whom" section which establishes which employees the system needs to track for this Alert. There is the ability to set an Alert up for All employees, or Specific employees based on their assigned Job Info or Cost Centers.
For example, if the Alert should only apply to direct care staff such as RN's, CNA's, and LPN's, select Specific employees, and filter by Position and then select the appropriate positions.
WHO - The people who should receive the alert
The final section is the "Who" section which establish which other Workforce Users should receive the Alert via email. There can be multiple options selected according to preference.
Please note: Recipients of alerts must be registered Users with access to the specific company that the Alert is set up in. Additionally, if a recipient has access to only specific employees, they will receive Alerts only for those employees.
Alert Email Notification
Here is an example of what the email notification will look for a recipient: