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Employee Benefits Requests

The Employee Benefits Requests found within Request & Approvals include a single request type: the ability to request time-off. 


The Time-Off request type allows employees to view their accrual banks within the ESS Hub and submit time-off requests. When enabled, a "Time Off" tab will appear on the left-hand menu of the ESS Hub, where employees can view their accrual balances and submit time-off requests. Employees can also view the status of their upcoming time off requests as well as past dates where time off was taken.

Granting Access to Time-Off Requests

Granting access for this request type is more involved than for other request types, as it requires setting up all accrual banks that will be available for employees to request. Additionally, an approval process must be established with a designated Assignee to review time-off requests, as these requests cannot be set to "Auto-Approve". To initiate access, start by clicking the "pencil" icon along the row of the request type.

After changing the permission from its default setting of "No access" to "Allow request", the next step is to define which time-off banks employees can be requested, and in doing so, determine which employees are eligible to make these requests. Please note that the Banks available flow from the Accrual Policies that are already set up within the company settings. 

For each Accrual Bank that can be toggled on and made available, the following fields will be required:

  • Earning Code - Select the appropriate Earning Code that will be used to pay approved time-off requests. This should be the same Earning Code that is linked to the Accrual Policy, this way that hours associated with the time-off request can be deducted from the employee's accrual bank.
  • Allowed Requesters - This setting determines which employees will have this accrual bank available to request time-off from. The dropdown menu options are based on the Filter Groups established within Empeon Workforce. To permit all employees to make this request, select the option for "All Employees".

After configuring each accrual bank accordingly, the final step is to establish the Assignee(s). During this process, there's an additional toggle for "Notify Assignees Via Email", which helps Assignee(s) stay on top of time-off requests. Since time-off requests are often time-sensitive, a notification via email helps to ensure that requests are addressed within a timely manner.