What is the VM Batch?
Void/Manual (VM) payroll batches are automatically created and continue to populate with the Voids or Manual Checks that are created within a pay cycle in Empeon Workforce. When a VM batch is generated upon the first void or manual check, it is always created within the current scheduled payroll. The VM batch must be closed along with the regular batch in order for voids and/or manual checks to be processed.
Reviewing the VM Batch
The order in which the VM batch is reviewed and closed in relation to other batches is inconsequential. However, all batches including the VM batch must be verified and closed in order to submit a payroll for processing.
When reviewing a VM batch, only the employees with manual checks and/or voided checks will be displayed. Unlike other batches, employees cannot be manually added to the VM batch. No keying of pay entry can be done directly into the VM batch. It's sole purpose is for housing the records of off cycle manual checks created by the Manual Check tool, or the voiding of checks from an employee's pay history, until the time comes for the next scheduled payroll to be processed.
For any circumstance where a mid-cycle manual check or void was created in error and needs to be backed out, the record can be deleted from the VM batch before processing. Simply delete the check using the three-dot menu next to the check number per the image below.
Closing the VM Batch
The VM batch is closed via the same method as the steps needed to close any other payroll batch. Navigate to Pay Entry and click "Complete and next." You may have Audits calculate but they are almost never relevant to the VM batch, just approve any audit results then click "Complete and Next".
The Verification section will display all the manual checks, voids within the VM batch. Click the "Verify and close" just like other batches to close it. The VM batch will process with the other batches when the time comes to submit your regularly scheduled payroll.