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Viewing Path Results

Once a Path has been sent to employees, it's important to ensure that the Tasks within the Path are completed within a timely manner. To view the ongoing progress of Paths that have been sent, navigate to the Share section within the Actions tab and select the Paths tab.

Paths that have already been shared with employees will be displayed here, and for each Path, there is a “View Results” button that shows the results for each recipient.

Actions - Share - Paths View Results

When viewing the results of the Path that was sent, it will show the names of the recipients it was sent to, when the Path was sent, and the current completion status of the Path for each recipient. 

There are three possible statuses that an employee could have:

  • Completed: All tasks within the Path have been completed.
  • In Progress: Some tasks have been completed.
  • Pending: No tasks have been completed.

Along the top of this screen, there are filters that can be used to filter the list of names by completion status. There is also a search bar to manually search for employees. If an employee who received the Path does not have an email on file within their Employee Profile, it will display “Missing email address”, indicating that the employee did not receive the Path invitation.

Along the top of this screen are buttons for “Send Reminder” and “Cancel Pending”. If employees are taking too long to complete the Path, clicking “Send Reminder” will notify the recipients again that action is required. If the Path needs to be canceled, clicking "Cancel Pending" will delete the Path invitation for all employees who have not fully completed it, while leaving it intact for those who have already finished.

For each employee, there is a "View Details" button that will enable the User to view the specific details of each task that was assigned.

View Details

Viewing the individual progress of a Path can be helpful when there are employees who have a status of "In Progress" because it can show which tasks have been completed and which tasks are still outstanding. This can also aid in verifying completed tasks, by ensuring documents were signed, acknowledgments were made, and documents were uploaded correctly by the recipient.

Each task assigned within the Path can be viewed to see its completion status. Completed tasks will display in green as either "Completed" or "Acknowledged", depending on how the task was configured. Tasks that are still outstanding will be displayed in orange as "Pending". 

For tasks requiring a signature or document upload from the employee, there is an option to "View" what was entered. If any discrepancies or issues are found after reviewing the tasks, the three-dot menu can be selected to re-open the task. This action changes the task status from "Completed" to "Pending" and sends an email notification to the employee that the task was reopened, requiring them to complete the task again.