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Sending Paths to Individual Employees

To send a Path to an individual employee, navigate to their Employee Profile within the People tab. On the Employee Profile of the intended recipient, select the "Paths" icon located in the right-hand column.

The Paths section of the Employee Profile will show any Paths that have been previously shared within an option to "View Results" in order to inspect how each task was completed. Within this section there is also the option to share a new Path by selecting the blue "Share Path" button.

The system will then prompt for the selection of the appropriate Path, with an optional message field available, which can be used to provide instructions to the recipient regarding the Path and its completion.

After all fields have been completed, click “Next” to move onto a confirmation screen. On the Confirmation screen, there is a “Send” button that will initiate the transmission of the Path to the employee. It will also offer the option to go “Back” if anything on the Confirmation screen looks incorrect.

After clicking “Send”, the employee will receive an email notification alerting them that a Path has been sent. The Path can be accessed through this email or directly from the Inbox on their ESS Hub.

Please note that sending a Path to an individual employee will only work with Active Employees. This process will not work for newly hired employees where the Path is to be included within an Onboarding Template.

Paths can also be sent to multiple employees at once. For guidance on this, please refer to Empeon's article Sending Paths to Multiple Employees.

After the sending a Path, it is important to monitor the progress and completion status for each recipient that Path was sent to. For guidance on this, please refer to Empeon's article Viewing Path Results.