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Scheduling Rules

Empeon’s Advanced Scheduling feature uses Scheduling Rules as the foundation for how Shifts are applied and enforced. Scheduling Rules build on the Shift configuration and assigned Position Groups, covering key aspects such as shift availability, budget limits, and census settings. These rules provide companies with greater control over how Shifts are applied toward employees.

To view and maintain the Scheduling Rules, navigate to the Scheduling section of the Company tab and select the Scheduling Rules Card.

Scheduling Rules are divided into two sections: General Scheduling Rules and Budget and Census. A blue "Edit" button is available in each section to view and adjust the settings within. Below is an overview of the settings found in each section:

General Scheduling Rules

  • Schedule to Punch Fill Ratio % - This is the minimum percentage of an assigned Shift that must be worked in order for it to count as completed. If an employee works less than the percentage established in this field, the Shift will be marked as absent, though the employee will still paid for the hours that they worked. For example, at 75%, an 8-hour shift requires at least 6 hours worked to be considered completed.
  • Ignore Department - If the Shift includes an Additional Filter for Department, toggling this on will exclude it from being used as a filter to determine eligibility when assigning the Shift as part of a Shift Schedule Pattern.
  • Ignore Location - If the Shift includes an Additional Filter for Location, toggling this on will exclude it from being used as a filter to determine eligibility when assigning the Shift as part of a Shift Schedule Pattern.
  • Ignore Floor/Unit - If the Shift includes an Additional Filter for Floor/Unit, toggling this on will exclude it from being used as a filter to determine eligibility when assigning the Shift as part of a Shift Schedule Pattern.
  • Ignore Division - If the Shift includes an Additional Filter for Division, toggling this on will exclude it from being used as a filter to determine eligibility when assigning the Shift as part of a Shift Schedule Pattern.
  • Deduct Lunch from the Time Off Requests - When a lunch duration is assigned to a Shift, enabling this toggle deducts the lunch period from any PTO requests for that shift. For example, an 8-hour shift with a 30-minute lunch is treated as a 7.5-hour shift, reducing the PTO request to 7.5 hours instead of 8.
  • Earning Code for Bonuses - There is the ability with an assigned Shift to apply a Bonus amount tied to the shift. To ensure this bonus is reflected in payroll as a bonus, the Earning Code for Bonus must be linked in this field.

Budget and Census

  • Schedule Over Budget Severity - For Shifts with an assigned budget, this setting determines how the scheduling system handles situations where assigning a Shift to an employee would exceed the budget. The three options here are:
    • Allow - Allows the assignment even if the Shift goes over the Budget.
    • Warning - If assigning a Shift would exceed the budget, a warning appears indicating that the assignment would surpass the budget. The option to proceed is still available.
    • Restrict - This rejects any attempt to assign a Shift that would exceed the budget.
  • Auto Calculate Census - Any time the Census is updated, it will automatically populate the same amount for the upcoming days as well. This helps to streamline the entry of census information especially for periods of days with the same census numbers.
  • Schedule Pattern Census - If Shifts assigned within a Schedule Patterns are configured with assigned Floors/Units, census tracking by Floor/Unit can be applied when Shift Schedule Patterns are assigned. If no Floor/Unit census is set, the facility-wide census will be used for budgeting calculations.