Importing Time Files
After configuring a Time File Import with the appropriate mapping, Empeon Workforce will be set to accept the import file when it's uploaded in payroll. How the time file is uploaded to payroll will depend on the Batch Code assigned within the Time File Configuration. For imports configured with a Batch Code that matches the regularly scheduled batch, the ability to import will be automatically included within the Time Import section of the payroll batch.
Simply click the blue "Import time file" button to upload the import.
For Imports configured with a custom Batch Code that are intended to be used separately from the regularly scheduled batch, a new payroll batch needs to be added. On the main payroll screen, click the blue "New batch" button and the first field that will prompt is for a Code. The code entered here, needs to match the Batch Code that was assigned to the Time Import.
Other settings relating to the new payroll batch will need to be considered however once the batch has been saved and added, the option to import will be available with the proper Import File Configuration.
File Upload
When uploading the import file, click the blue "Import time file" button within the Time Import section of the payroll batch.
A window will then appear to upload the file. On this screen, there is a "Download CSV" button, which provides a blank CSV file pre-configured with the correct columns based on the Time File Configuration. This can be helpful when building the import file from scratch. Completed import files can be uploaded by dragging and dropping the file into the designated area or by clicking "Select a file".
Once the file has been select, click the blue "Import" button to initiate the upload. Upon initiating an upload, a results screen will display, indicating whether the file was successfully imported or if there were any errors. If errors occur, the system will highlight the specific line where the issue was detected.
Click "Done" to finalize the upload. All records that were included with the import file will now be available within Pay Entry for review.