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Importing Employees


Employee Imports offer a way to add multiple employees into Empeon Workforce at a time. In addition to adding new employees into the system, these imports can also also be configured to update information already on file for existing employees. This functionality is especially helpful to ensure that employee records match across all companies that fall within the organization. While there are other methods to add employees to the system, imports offer the only way to handle multiple employees at once.

Import Configuration

Configuring an employee import in Empeon Workforce involves mapping the system's fields to the corresponding columns in the CSV file being imported. Proper configuration is essential before proceeding with any import. Please note that the only file type that the system will accept is a CSV file.

There are two approaches to configuring imports:

  1. If the import file is already created - Configure the import to align with the columns listed in the CSV file.

  2. If the import file is not yet created - Set up the import within the system to include all necessary fields. Then, download a blank CSV file containing these fields for data entry.

To configure an employee import, navigate to the Customize section within the Company tab and then select the Employee Import Card.

The system includes a Default import configured with all possible fields for an employee's record, which cannot be edited or deleted. Additional imports can be created and customized based on factors like the type of employees, available information, and whether an import file exists. To configure a new import template, click the "+ New Configuration" button.

A window will pop up prompting for the following details:

  • Name - Enter a name for the import that reflects its purpose.
  • Description - Provide a description with additional details about the import and its use.
  • File will contain column headers - Specify if the CSV file includes column headers in the first row. If Row 1 contains headers rather than employee data, select this option to have the system skip the first row during the import.
  • What will this Import Configuration be used for? - Indicate if the import is for new hires only, edits to existing employees, or both new hires and edits.
  • Will your Import File include Employee IDs? - For imports labeled as "New hires," specify whether the file includes assigned employee IDs or if the system should generate them automatically.

Click the blue "Next" button to proceed to mapping the import.

The next screen allows for mapping the fields of information being imported into the system with their corresponding columns on the CSV file. This mapping depends on whether an import file has already been created. If the import file is already created, simply map the columns within the system according to where they are on the existing file. If the import file has not been created, configure the system to include all desired fields and then when completed, download the blank CSV with the pre-populated fields to fill out.

There are several fields that can be mapped, however your import must minimally include the following fields of information:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Social Security Number (SSN)
  • Address (Address1)
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Hire Date
  • Federal Filing Status
  • State Filing Status
  • State Filing Exemption

These are considered "Required" fields that need information entered for each new employee being imported. If just one of these fields is left blank on the import file, it will prevent the employee from being imported.

Please note that the employee's email address is not a required field; it is an additional field that can be added to the import. This is important to consider because if an email address is imported, the system will automatically send an invitation to the employee to register their ESS Account once the import is complete. If the email address is not included, it will be necessary to add it to the Employee's Profile after the import and then manually send the employee the invitation to create their ESS Account.

Import File Example

Here is an example of an existing import file and based on this import file, here is how it should be mapped within the system:

Once all columns have been mapped, click the blue "Save" button to finish the configuration of the import.

Importing Employees

Once the import is configured, the next step will be to ensure that the import file has all required fields entered with information, for each employee being imported. Any required fields that are missing will prevent the employee from being imported altogether. Additional fields, while optional, should also be completed although any information that is missing for these fields will not prevent the employee from being imported.

To initiate an import, navigate to the Employees section of the People tab and then select Import Employees

Please note that there is a dropdown on this button that unlocks the option for "Customize Import". This serves as a direct link back to the Import Configuration Screen if needed.

Upon selecting the "Import Employees" button, a window will pop up that prompts to select the Import Configuration. When selecting the appropriate Import, there will be a "Download CSV" button that will initiate a download of a blank import file containing the mapped columns associated with the selected import.

One the import file is ready for upload, it can be dropped and dragger into the grid, or uploaded by clicking "Select a file". Once the import file is select and showing as "Ready to import", click the blue "Preview" button.

Import Preview

When selecting the "Preview" button, the system display all employees being imported and identify any errors associated with their entered information on the import.

Errors will only be flagged when there are "Required" fields on the import that are missing information. No errors will be flagged if there is any missing information within the additional fields on the import file.

For any errors that are flagged, there is the ability to enter information into the field that is missing information, straight from this screen. Simply click into the field, enter the information, and click "Validate" to resolve the issue.

If the employee's information to enter in the missing field is not available, there is the option to click the red "Ignore and proceed" button. This will leave the employee off the import and only import the employee with no errors.

After rectifying any flagged errors, click the green button labeled "Import records". A confirmation screen will prompt for the company code to authorize the import. Enter the company code and click the green "Import" button to finalize the import process and add the employees to the system.

For any employee imported without an email address, they will not be invited to register an ESS Account. Once an email address is obtained from the employee, it is necesary to then add it to the Employee's Profile. Then from the Employee Profile, select the three-dot menu next to the employee's name and there will be an option to "Create ESS account".

For more information on how to create or recreate an ESS Account for employees, please refer to Empeon's article Administering ESS Accounts.