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Company Setup: Status Codes, Reasons & Employment Types


To effectively manage changes in Employment Status for employees, Status CodesReasons, and Employment Types must first be established at the company level. These components help ensure that employment statuses, along with any changes made to them, are properly defined and documented within the system.

Status Types & Codes

To manage the Status Codes that can be assigned to employees, navigate to the HR section within the Company tab and select the Employment Status Card.

After selecting the Employment Status Card, click the section for Status Codes. In terms of company-level configuration, Status Codes define an employee's current employment status. Within the company settings, Status Codes are categorized into four Status Types: Active (A), Leave (L), Onboarding (O), and Termination (T). Empeon Workforce will already be configured with these four Status Types, with a respective Status Code within each category.

In most cases, these four Status Codes (Active, Leave, Onboarding and Terminated) will be all that is needed to define an employee's employment status. However, additional Status Codes can be added if necessary by clicking the blue "+ New Status Code" button.

When adding a new Status Code, it is important to understand that the code being created should represents the employment status itself rather than the "Reason" for that status. There are additional sections within the Employment Status Card for Leave and Termination Reasons as well as Employment Types that function as further explanations for Status Codes.

For example, a Status Code like "Paid Leave" helps specify the type of leave an employee is on, rather than detailing the reason for the leave.

Reasons & Employment Types

Associated with Status Codes are separate sections for Leave ReasonsTermination Reasons and Employment Types. 

Leave and Termination Reasons help to further define why an employee was either placed on leave or terminated. Employment Types operate the same way except they are used to further define Active and Onboarding Status Codes. These items are applied whenever a Status Code is changed or assigned within an Employee Profile.

Leave Reasons

Within the Employment Status Card, select the Leave Reasons section to view all active Reasons associated with "Leave" Status Codes. To create a new Leave Reason, click the blue "+ New Leave Reason" button located in the top right corner of the screen.

When creating a new Reason, the system will prompt for a Code and Description.

Termination Reasons

Within the Employment Status Card, select the Termination Reasons section to view all active Reasons associated with "Termination" Status Codes. To create a new Termination Reason, click the blue "+ New Termination Reason" button located in the top right corner of the screen.

All that is required when adding a Termination Reason is a Code and Description.

Employment Types

Within the Employment Status Card, select the Employment Types section to view all active Employment Types associated with "Active" and "Onboarding" Status Codes. For Active employees, Employment Types are an essential part of Employee Status tracking. It's system purpose is for identifying the types of employees in relation to identifiers like Full-Time, Part-Time, Per Diem, and any other employee classifications that are relevant to the employer's circumstances. Whether employees are considered Salary or Hourly is also often tracked in this field.

To create a new Employment Type, click the blue "+ New Employment Type" button located in the top right corner of the screen.

All that is required when adding an Employment Type is a Code and Description.

Please Note that Employment Types are often tied to custom accrual, attendance, and wage calculations.  Before adding or editing Employment Types, be sure to consult with other Workforce Administrators in the organization or contact Empeon Client Service to confirm how adding or editing Employment Types may effect custom services.

After these components have been established at the company level, they can be applied on the Employee Profile to manage an employee's employment status and when there might be changes to it. For more information on how to view and make changes to an employee's employment status, please refer to Empeon's article Employee Profile: Employment Status Card.