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Employee Profile: HR Reviews


In the Employee Profile, the Reviews section allows for the scheduling and documentation of various HR-related reviews. While it can be used for all types of employee evaluations, it is primarily utilized for rate reviews. This section provides a historical record of past reviews and reasons, as well as upcoming scheduled reviews, ensuring comprehensive tracking and transparency for all employee evaluations.

This article explains how to manage the types of HR reviews that are conducted with your employees so that they can be documented on the Employee Profile.

Rating Codes

Before reviews can be documented on the Employee Profile, Rating Codes must first be established on the company level that reflect the type of HR Review that will be conducted. Once set up, they will be available to be scheduled individually with employees on their Employee Profile.

To set up a Rating Code, navigate to the HR section within the Company tab, and select the Reviews Card.

On the next screen, it will show any active Rating Codes that have been set up within the system. To set up a new Rating Code, click the blue button labeled "+ New Rating Code" in the top right corner.

When setting up a Rating Code, there will only be two fields that need to be completed: 

  • Code - Set the code name of the Rating Code that represents the type of employee review it will be used for. There is a character limit of 10 when entering the code.
  • Description - This is where a description and any additional information can be entered for the code.

Once both fields have been entered, click the blue 'Save' button to finalize the Rating Code. The Rating Code will now be ready for assignment.

Assigning HR Reviews

Once the Rating Code is established on the company level, it can then be assigned on the Employee Profile within the Reviews section: People Tab (Select Employee) > HREmployment > Reviews.

The Reviews section of the Employee Profile is where employee reviews are documented. It does not affect whether the review itself takes place; it simply documents the type of review and when it occurred or is scheduled to occur.

To assign the Rating Code, click the blue 'plus' sign in the top right corner. In this example, we are setting up a rate review for 'Merit' and we are prompted with the following fields to enter:

  • Review Date - Set the date for when the Merit review will take place.
  • Reviewer - If desired, enter the name(s) of who will be conducting the review with the employee.
  • Rating Code - This is where we link the Rating Code to the review, indicating the type of review this will be. All options available from this dropdown are 'Active' Rating Codes.
  • Raise Amount/New Pay Amount - As noted, Rating Codes are predominantly used to facilitate pay rate reviews. For reviews such as a Merit review centered around a pay increase, the proposed increase can be entered here.

Upon assignment, there will be the option to enter a Next Review Date if this is a recurring review, and an Effective Date to indicate the date that this review was scheduled within the system. This is not the date the actual review is scheduled for.

There are also fields on this screen for Reviewer Notes and Employer Notes and these are fields more applicable for when the review takes place. These fields can be used to document what was brought up and discussed by both parties. The notes entered here will be saved and can be added to if this is a recurring review. Please note that there is also the option to attach any applicable documents to this review, and this can be another method for how the review is documented.

After reviewing each field on this screen, click the blue 'Save' button to finish assigning the Rating Code. With the review now documented, it is not scheduled. The logistics of how the review itself is scheduled and conducted will have to be handled separately. To help manage the scheduled reviews that have been set up with your employees, a recurring Alert for "Employee Upcoming Review Date" can be set up to help provide consistent reminders for upcoming review dates.