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Empeon Release Notes - August 2024

Employees Working in Multiple Facilities

The Challenge and the Solution

The Challenge:
As an SNF (Skilled Nursing Facility) operator managing multiple facilities within the same region, you may have employees working across various facilities. You need a system that enables:

  • Employees to clock in at multiple facilities.
  • Time and payroll records to be accurately allocated to the specific facility where the work was performed, for cost and General Ledger purposes.
  • Proper reporting for PBJ (Payroll-Based Journal) compliance.

The Solution:
With this update, employees can now be assigned to work at multiple facilities while residing in a single company shell. Here's how it works:

  • Tie a Company Location to a Facility: You can now tie a company location to other facilities, allowing seamless management across multiple sites.
  • Approved to Work in Other Facilities: Mark employees as approved to work at additional facilities. Once approved to work, employees will automatically be enrolled in the clock of the facility where they are approved to work.
  • Accurate Time Allocation: When an employee clocks in at a facility outside their home company, the system automatically allocates the worked hours to the appropriate facility on their time card.
  • PBJ Reporting: The system ensures accurate PBJ reports by including or excluding hours based on the employee’s work location.

Please Note! This solution is only available for organizations using clock numbers as the clock ID's.

How to Setup

Let's say your organization has two facilities, Facility A and Facility B. John Doe typically works at Facility A but sometimes covers shifts at Facility B. Follow these steps to set it up:

  1. Add a Work Location for Facility B in Facility A:
    • Navigate to: Company > HR > Job Info > Locations.
    • Add Facility B as a location.
    • In the "Tie Location to Another Company" field, select Facility B and save.

  2. Approve John Doe to Work at Facility B:

    • Navigate to: John Doe’s Profile > HR > Approved to Work.

    • Click the edit pencil, and under Locations, select Facility B.

Once approved, John Doe will be able to clock in at Facility B. When he clocks in, his hours will be automatically allocated to Facility B in his time card (in Facility A).

PBJ Reporting

With this update, when a location is tied to another company, the PBJ reporting will be handled accordingly. In our example, the hours that John Doe worked in Facility A will be included in Facility A's PBJ report, and the hours worked in Facility B will be reported under Facility B, even though John’s profile resides in Facility A.

PBJ ID Enhancement

To prevent duplication in PBJ reporting, the system will now assign the unique Empeon employee ID, prefixed with "EMP" (e.g., EMP1001), as the default PBJ ID. To prevent incorrect turnover reporting, employees exiting the system will retain their existing PBJ ID, while new employees will be assigned the updated format.

Prevent Rehire of Ineligible Employees

When terminating an employee in Empeon, you can mark them as ineligible for rehire. With this release, if you attempt to add a new employee whose SSN matches an ineligible former employee, the system will display an error. This applies both when manually adding an employee and when using Empeon’s Employee Self-Onboarding feature.

The system performs this check across the entire organization, not just the current company.

Enhanced Time File Import Flexibility and Self-Configuration


Previously, clients needed to contact Empeon to configure time file imports. Now, they can manage these settings directly under Company > Customize > Time File Import, offering greater flexibility and control.

Import Into Any Batch

Clients can now import any time file configuration into any batch. Previously, only configurations tied to a specific batch could be used.

In the Batch Time Import step, we've added a new Import Additional Time File button. When clicked, it displays a list of available time import configurations. To avoid duplicate imports, each configuration can only be used once per batch.

Allow Managers to Request PTO Beyond Available Balance

As part of Empeon’s Attendance module, managers have the ability to request PTO on behalf of employees. Previously, managers were limited to requesting PTO within the available balance. With this release, organizations can now enable managers to request PTO beyond the available balance.

This setting can be found under Organization Master Portal > Roles > People > Attendance, where we've added the toggle "Allow Negative Time Off Request".

When enabled, any user with this security role can submit PTO requests that result in a negative balance. If a request leads to a negative PTO balance, the request window will display a warning.

Retro Rate Adjustments Calculations Enhancement  

Back n the June 2024 release we have introduced the Retro Rate Adjustments feature. This feature is designed to recalculate pay history when a retroactive raise is applied. For example, if you give an employee a raise with an effective date of a month ago, you can recalculate all the applicable pay history and generate a check for the owed amount.

With this release we have enhanced the system's logic to account for rate overrides. With this update, if there was a manual rate override in the payroll history, the system will now recognize and respect that override, ensuring more accurate recalculations. In cases where manual overrides exist, the system will exclude these from the recalculation and apply the correct rates where applicable.

Reports Enhancements

Employee Total Hours Report Added

We’ve introduced a new Attendance Employee Total Hours report under Reports > Live Reports > Attendance. This report displays attendance hours in a clear column-based layout for easier tracking and analysis.

New Compact View Option for All Live Reports

We've added a Compact View option to all Live Reports. When enabled, the report layout becomes more condensed, allowing more data to fit on the screen for improved visibility.

New Punch Source Column in Employee Punch Report

In Reports > Live Report > Employee Punch, we've added a new Punch Source column. This allows users to easily see in the report how each punch was originated.

Gross to Net Live Reports Enhancements When Running for Multiple Companies

Previously, when running the Gross to Net Live reports for multiple companies, only pay history columns from the current company were included by default, requiring users to manually add additional earnings and deduction columns. With this update, the report will now automatically include by default all applicable pay history columns from all selected companies.

Live Chat in ESS Moved to Dedicated Page

Live Chat in ESS now has its own dedicated page with a shortcut from the home page for easier access and a streamlined user experience.

Tax Code Restrictions for W2 and 1099 Employees

With this update, for W2 employees, the system will prevent the deletion or ending of mandatory tax codes. For 1099 employees, the system will prohibit the assignment of tax codes.

This ensures compliance and accuracy by enforcing tax code rules based on employee type.

Mark Company Job Info Codes as Inactive

Users can now mark company job info codes, such as department codes, position codes, etc., as inactive. Once marked inactive at the company level, these codes will no longer be available for use at the employee level.
This feature helps streamline data management by preventing the use of outdated or irrelevant job info codes.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue where, in rare scenarios with two accrual banks being reduced by the same earning code, the "Employee Exceeded Accrual Bank" Payroll Audit was not flagging properly. This has now been corrected.
  • Fixed: Document upload modal was not scrollable on smaller screens this caused the user not being able to upload documents on small screens.
  • Fixed: In some scenarios the Employee Anniversary alert was triggering for employees with a future hire date, even if their anniversary had not yet occurred. The alert will now only trigger on the actual anniversary date.
  • Fixed: Users encountered an error when dragging the company code columns in the Attendance Clock Enrollment report. This is now fixed.