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Empeon Release Notes - August 2022

Employee Taxes in ESS

You can now allow employees to update and manage their own federal and state tax withholding information. Additionally, if an employee makes a change to their federal tax withholding, they will be prompted to electronically sign an updated W-4. 

Employees can find this feature in their ESS account under Profile > Pay > Taxes

Note! This feature is off by default. To enable employees to edit their tax info, go to Company > Rules & Alerts > Request & Approvals > Taxes.


When an employee edits their tax info, it appears as a pending request on the admin side, from which the admin can approve or deny the change request.


The global calendar allows admins and managers to see employees who are off or scheduled to be off, on a global level. This is useful for example, when approving an employee's Time Off Request. You can first view who else is scheduled to be off on those dates.

The calendar also includes Notes which have a due date. 

The Global Calendar includes information for all companies which the user has access to. 

When navigating to the calendar, the default landing page is My Team, however you can select Everyone to see all employees which you have access to.


Document Share Enhancements

Document share allows you to quickly and easily share documents with employees, who can then electronically complete and sign, or acknowledge receipt of the documents.

With the August release we have implemented the following enhancements based on client feedback:

  • You can now send reminder emails to all employees who did not complete the document
  • You can send reminder emails to individual employees
  • You can cancel the share for all employees who did not complete, or for individual employees
  • Admin input/signature is now supported in Document share
  • Added status filters and stats to the employee list

For more details about the Document share feature, see the June 2022 Release Notes.

Compare Payroll Details to Previous Payrolls

Open payroll details can now be compared to previous payrolls by employee.  This new tool is an option in the Verification section of the payroll view.

Employee Absence Alert

Added an "Employee Absence Alert" to the list of available email alerts. This alert flags employees who are scheduled to work and did not clock in. Users can manage the amount of time elapsed before an alert is triggered.

Alerts settings are found under Company > Rules & Alerts > Alerts. This new alert is found under the "Alert Me" menu.

PTO Accrual Balances in ESS

Previous to this release, PTO balances were displayed in the employee self service portal (ESS) only if the Time Off Request feature was enabled for the company. With this release, companies have the option to include the employee PTO balances in the employee portal, even if the Time Off Request feature is not enabled. This setting is found under the the Accrual Policy settings.

Misc. Updates

Attendance Punch Reviews Export

Users can now export the attendance punch review list.

Upcoming Employee Reviews in Dashboard

Added upcoming reviews to the Expiring HR Records widget in the company Dashboard. This helps admins track upcoming employee reviews.

New Section for the Org Chart

The org chart which has previously been placed near the employee list, has been moved to its own page. This enables users to easily navigate to it.

Assignee Filter in the Pending Requests List

You can now filter the pending request list by assignee.

Cost Centers Description in Custom Transaction Live Report 

Added Cost Center descriptions as available columns in the Custom Transaction report.

Power import for Employee Licenses & Certificates

Power imports are found under Actions > Power Tools and are used for bulk updates. With this release, we added the ability to import Licenses & Certificates records.

Include/Exclude Cost Centers When Copying an Employee

Now when copying an employee from one company to another, the user can select whether to copy cost centers or not. Previously it would always copy the cost centers.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed date & time format in Attendance live reports exports
  • Fixed filter error in the Employee Paired Punches live report
  • In some Live reports, when adding the 'Last change user" column, the report would error. This is now fixed.
  • In Live reports, when including multiple companies in a report and then clicking on the employee name to navigate to the employee profile, it would error. This is now fixed.
  • In some scenarios the Attendance verification Schedule grid would error while calculating. This is now fixed. 
  • In some scenarios the Talent Acquisition dashboard would display the wrong count of open positions. This is now fixed. 
  • Previous to this release, you were able to add up to 10 dependents in the employee profile. Now there is no limit.