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Company Branding

What is Branding?

Within the ESS Admin Tool, the Branding feature allows organizations to upload a company logo for display within the ESS Hub and on emails sent through Empeon. Incorporating a company logo for these components enhances the site's aesthetics and boosts credibility when employees interact with these items.

To apply a company logo to either of these items, please note that the file format of the company logo needs to be a PNG, JPEG or SVG for a successful upload.

Uploading a Company Logo

To upload a company logo, navigate to the ESS Admin section within the Company tab and then select the subtab: Branding.

Company - Ess Admin - Branding

The initial settings to configure involve customizing ESS emails that are sent to employees. By default, "Empeon" is listed as the sender name for ESS-related emails, but this can be changed to the company name if desired. Please note that if a DBA name is established, it will be displayed as the sender instead of the company name.

The next step after this will be to upload the company logo for emails and/or the ESS Hub and App. Simply click the "Select a file" button for its respective section to initiate this process.

When uploading the logo for the ESS Hub and app, there is the ability to scale the image to ensure that the logo fits appropriately. Uploading a logo for emails will appear as is. Once the logo is scaled to preference, click "Save". 

Branded ESS Hub and App

Branded Company Email