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Attendance Audits


Attendance Audits flag inconsistencies and potential errors in time and attendance records. It provides an extra layer of review to help Workforce Users verify their attendance before submitting it to payroll. Similar in concept to Payroll Audits, these audits are applied toward time imports helping to ensure that all imported data is accurate and reliable, helping maintain the integrity of payroll processes.

Setting up Attendance Audits

To set up Attendance Audits, navigate to the Rules & Alerts section within the Company tab and then select the Audits Card.

Within the Audits Card, it will automatically default to the Payroll Audits section. Navigate to the section for Attendance Audits. This screen will display any Attendance Audits that have already been set up, with the option to create a new Attendance Audit by clicking the blue "Add Audit" button.

For any type of Payroll Audit being set up, the following steps will be required:

  • Select Audit - Choose the Audit Type to configure. Additional fields will populate once an Attendance Audit is selected.
  • Audit Name - The selected Audit Type will automatically appear as the Audit Name. This field can be edited, as it will be the heading displayed when the Payroll Audit is flagged.
  • Audit Description - This field describes what the Attendance Audit will flag after the import is completed. A default description will appear, but it can be adjusted as needed.

With some Attendance Audits, parameters of the audit may need to be established in order to further define what the Audit will flag. In this example, we are setting up a Punch Duration audit which will flag when the punch duration is longer than a specified amount of hours. With this audit, there is an additional field for Enter Hours where the duration for this audit can be set.

Running Attendance Audits

After setting up Attendance Audits within the system, there will be a section for Audits with each import that is completed. Any Attendance Audits that are set up will scan the import and flag any employees that meet the parameters of the audit.

Reviewing & Approving Flagged Audits

Audit Overview - The left-hand menu of the Audit screen lists each flagged audit, along with a corresponding number indicating the number of employees for whom this audit was flagged. This provides a quick summary of the scope and magnitude of the audit findings.

Employee Listing - Using the left-hand menu to view each specific audit, it will populate on the main screen the list of employees who were flagged by the audit with a brief description explaining why.

Audit Review - Each displayed employee can be selected by name to review their timecard, conduct a more detailed review, and make any necessary changes. If everything is accurate, the Audit can be approved directly from the Audit Review screen. To do this, either "Select All" to approve all employees at once, or approve each employee individually by clicking the blue "Approve" button next to their name. Approving these employees indicates that the audit findings have been reviewed and validated, signaling readiness to proceed with payroll processing.

Approvals - After each attendance audit is approved, they will appear under the "Approvals" tab in the left-hand menu. This tab confirms the payroll audits that were approved for each employee and also shows who approved them and when.

Once the Attendance Audits have been reviewed, proceed to the Verification step of the time import.

Types of Attendance Audits

Attendance Audit Name Attendance Audit Description Attendance Audit Example
Paid overtime This audit will flag the collective punches that were imported and identify any employee with overtime hours. An employee with 42 hours in punches will be flagged in this attendance audit.
Punch Duration This audit can be set up to flag the punch duration of a shift that is longer than a specified threshold. A punch duration audit that flags any employee who worked 10 or more hours in a shift.
Daily labor This audit can be set up to flag when an employee’s daily labor is Equal, Not Equal, Less, and/or Greater than a specified amount that you set the threshold for. A daily labor audit that flags any employee who worked less than 6 hours in a shift.
Duplicate or Overlapping Pay This audit identifies duplicate punch records and is relevant only for companies importing an outside file into Empeon's attendance module. This audit only flags hours imported to Attendance from a 3rd party solution and is not applicable to clients whose employees punch into Empeon via a physical clock or ESS.