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Administering Workforce Users

What are Users?

Users are individuals who have been granted access to Empeon Workforce. Every User is assigned to a Role which dictates the level of access the User has within Empeon Workforce. 

There are no limits on the number of Users that can be added to Empeon Workforce. However, it is the employer's responsibility to administer and manage Workforce Users, as Empeon Customer Support cannot handle this on your behalf. This article explains how to add, manage, and remove Workforce Users as needed. For further assistance with managing Workforce Users, contact Empeon Customer Service for guidance.

Adding a User

Whenever a new Workforce User is intended to be added, it is important to first confirm whether there is a Role set up with the suitable permissions.

To view the Users that have been set up, navigate to the Users section within the Organization Master Portal.

To create a new User, click the blue "Add user" button.

When creating a new User, the system will require the following fields of information to first be entered:

  • User Type - Specify whether the User is an internal employee or an external party. In most cases, Users are internal employees who need access to Empeon Workforce to manage aspects of their job. However, external Users, such as a third-party CPA or HR advisor, can also be set up if there’s a need for these parties to access the site.

    • Link Employee - If the User Type is "Employee," the User must be linked to their Employee Profile.

  • User Information: The first and last name will auto-populate for internal employees, but for external parties, this information must be entered manually. An email address is required, and a phone number can be added if needed.

Once all required fields are completed, click "Next" to move onto Access Rights.

Access Rights

This screen is where the User's level of access to Empeon Workforce is assigned by selecting their Role. Please note the following options when establishing the User's Role.

  • Access Level - Select whether the User will be in a Company Role or an Organization Role. Organization Roles provide full system access across all companies within the organization, while Company Roles offer full or varying access but are limited to specific companies within the organization.
  • Disallow Device Remembering for 2FA - If this is toggled on, Two-Factor Authentication will be required every time the User logs into Empeon Workforce, regardless of whether the device being used is recognized or not.
  • Allow Two Factor via Email - Empeon's default Two-Factor Authentication method is SMS messaging. If the User does not have access to SMS, this toggle can be turned on to allow email-based authentication instead when logging into Empeon Workforce.

CC - Create User Access Rights

Adding an Organization User

A User assigned to an Organization Role will have complete access to Empeon Workforce for all companies within the organization. The ability to add an Organization User may be limited based on the Role of the User adding the new User to the site.

CC - Org User-1

Once the Organization Role is selected for the User, click the blue button labeled "Next" to move onto the Confirmation screen.

Adding a Company User

The process for adding a Company User is a little more involved because each company the User should have access to needs to be specified. For each company the User is assigned to, a Role will need to be assigned. This Role can differ across companies, as Users can have different Roles for each company they’re assigned to.

To add a company that the User will be assigned to, click the blue "+ Add company" button. Repeat this process for each company the User will be assigned.

For each company, a Role will need to be selected. If the Role assigned is a custom Role, there will also need to be a determination regarding the employees they will have access to. This can be All Employees, their Direct Reports, or Specific Employees.

If the selected Company Role is Admin, the User will automatically have access to all employees and the system will prompt to either enable or disable User Management. This controls whether the User will have the ability to add other Users to the site.

CC - Company User

Once the Company Role is configured for the User, click "Next" to move onto the Confirmation screen.


The final screen provides a summary for reviewing and confirming the User's information and assigned Role. If any details are incorrect, use the "Previous" button to return and make adjustments.

If everything on the confirmation screen looks accurate, click "Save" to complete adding the User. This will authorize a registration email to be sent out to the User and within the email, it will outline instructions for completing their account setup.

Removing User Access

Empeon Workforce does not automatically remove User access. For example, if a Workforce User is terminated, the system will not automatically revoke their access. Any changes to User access must be manually handled by the organization’s Workforce Administrators.

To deactivate a User, edit their User info within the Organization Master Portal: Organization Master PortalUsers > (Select User) Edit user info.

Upon editing the User info, toggle off the Active setting in the top portion of the Edit User window, then click "Save". The User will be immediately set to an Inactive status and will no longer be able to access Empeon Workforce.

Email Recipients

When managing Workforce Users, there is also a section for Email Recipients. This section is for non-Users who may still need to receive scheduled reports. Instead of adding them as a User, their email can be registered here, allowing them to be selected as a recipient for scheduled reports.