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Adding a New Employee

Adding New Employees

Within Empeon Workforce, there are three ways to add a new employee into the system.

  1. Onboarding Templates are a customizable feature designed to create self-onboarding welcome packets for newly hired employees. They facilitate the collection of personal information from the employee that is used to build out the Employee Profile. This method also ensures that the employee registers their ESS Account.
  2. Manual Entry involves manually adding the employee to Empeon Workforce and entering their employment information into the system. When using this method, a valid email address must be added when entering the employee's information; otherwise, the employee will not receive an invitation to register their ESS Account.
  3. Employee Imports offer the ability to add multiple employees to Empeon Workforce through an import process. Imports can also be used to override and update information already on file for existing employees. When using this method to add new employees to the system, the import must include the employee's email address to ensure they receive an invitation to register their ESS Account.

This article outlines the Manual Entry method, offering a detailed guide on how to manually add a new employee into Empeon Workforce.

Manual Entry

To manually add a new employee into Empeon Workforce, navigate to the Employees section within the People tab and then select the blue "+ New Employee" button.

The system will display a screen with various categories of information listed on the left-hand side. These categories, and the fields of information that fall within each category, cannot be removed when adding a new employee. However, additional categories of employment information can be added to this screen by selecting the "Customize form" button in the top right corner.

Customizing the Form

When customizing the form, there will be two sections: Selected Fields on the right and Available Fields on the left. Within each section are "category groups" of employee information that can be collected when adding the new employee into the system.

  • Selected Fields - The category groups within this section contain default fields of employment information that are already included within the form. While these cannot be removed, some can be edited to make certain fields "Required".
  • Available Fields - This section includes category groups, and fields of information within those groups, that can be added to form.

To view the fields within each category group, click the dropdown arrow next to the category group's title. When adding fields from the Available Fields section, either the entire category group can be added by clicking "Add group", or individual fields within the group can be selected by clicking the blue plus icon next to each field.

Within the category group of fields assigned to Selected Fields, certain fields can be marked as "Required" to ensure that employee information is entered when adding the new employee. To do this, hover over the field and toggle on "Required.

If at any time, there is a need to start over with adding category groups and individual fields to the Selected Fields section, select the "Reset to default" button in the top right corner of this screen. Once the form has been customized according to preference, click the blue "Save" button to begin entering the new employee's information into the system. Please note that the fields added to the form after customizing it will be saved for current and future employees being added to the system.

Add new employee

Once the form has been customized, the final step is entering the employee's information. Any additional category groups that were added to the form will come at the end.

  • Filing Form - This field will default to W2 however it can be changed to 1099 if needed.
  • Personal - The required fields in this section include the employee's first and last name, Social Security Number, and Employee ID. Birth Date and Gender are not required by default but can be customized to be required if needed.

As the screen scrolls further down, the next categories of employment information are as follows:

  • Primary Address - Enter the employee's primary address, which is used for tax purposes.
  • Mailing Address - Enter the employee's mailing address, which is where the employee prefers to receive mail. If both addresses are the same, select "Same as Primary."
  • Contact - By default, none of the fields in this section are required. This is important to note because if an email address is entered, it will automatically trigger an invitation sent to that email, for the employee to register their ESS Account. Without an email address, the invitation will not be sent.
  • Employment Status - Required fields in this section are Hire Date, Employment Status, and ACA Type.

The next categories are as follows:

  • Job Info - The only required field by default is the Work Location to which the employee will be assigned. For clients utilizing Empeon's TaxMaps feature, after the Location is assigned, the system will then flash a message along the bottom of the screen saying to "Please wait while we calculate State and Local taxes...". This message should only flash for a couple seconds before the State and Local Taxes populate in their respective sections.
  • Pay Info - The only required field is Pay Frequency. While not required, the Pay Rate/Salary can be entered if applicable. For salaried employees, input the amount they will receive per pay period, not their annual salary amount.
  • Cost Centers - No fields are required by default, but employees can be assigned to specific Cost Centers if desired.

The final section if no additional fields were added to the form is Tax information. Additional fields that were added to the form will come after this section.

  • Taxes - Enter the employee's tax information, including Filing Status for both Federal and State Withholding. If using Empeon's Tax Maps feature, taxes will already be populated.

When all sections have been completed, save the employee to officially add them to the system. There are three ways to do this:

  • Save and Close - This saves the employee and returns to the People tab where the employee list is displayed.
  • Save and New - This saves the employee and prompts the addition of a new employee.
  • Save and Go to Employee - This saves the employee and navigates to their newly created Employee Profile.

ESS Account Registration

If an employee was added without an email address, they will not be automatically invited to register an ESS Account. Once an email address is obtained from the employee, it is necesary to then add it to the Employee's Profile. Then from the Employee Profile, select the three-dot menu next to the employee's name and there will be an option to "Create ESS account".

For more information on how to create or recreate an ESS Account for employees, please refer to Empeon's article ESS Account Administration.